News Round-Up

By Simon Barefoot

Two articles for you to peruse:

Round up of news

With all the wet weather during December and the start of January every IBC and storage facility is full. More blue butts are available – Phil has put two on display by the windsock area.

Manure deliveries were been completed ahead of time during the autumn (although donkey drops may be available every month or so); we have also attracted a massive amount of wood chippings (collect form the windsock area) which have come in very useful for paths. Let me know if you want more of these.

Seeds all delivered, along with onion sets and garlic. We have just received the seed potatoes which have been ordered. 

The slight extension of our membership (on the new area) has helped reduce the waiting list, but we are still looking to find plots for various people. This is not an issue for our Association only, as you will see from the links to articles which appeared in the national press recently.

Looking ahead, if you are at a loose end, here are some jobs to do: 

  • bonfire ‘etiquette’: if you plan to have anything burnt, you need to plan ahead … wait for the wind to come from the north, or north east (Phil’s windsock will confirm the direction on the day itself) and only bring stuff to the fire pit (near the well) if there is an imminent chance that the wind will be in the right direction. You will be alerted by the Committee when we are certain that a fire is possible and we will light and look after the fire.
  • pruning (apples, pears, autumn fruiting raspberries}: if you are not confident about what / how to prune, I am happy to offer advice / practical tips.
  • shredding: we have a large machine which deals very effectively with prunings, sprout stalks, raspberry canes, dead sunflowers etc. Let me know if you have stuff to shred.
  • Sow broad beans (inside if it gets very cold), sweet peas, peas, mangetout.
  • Plan the coming season’s sowing and planting.
  • Dig or ‘no dig’? Talk to Allen and Ralph to get both sides of the story.
  • Plant fruit trees, gooseberries and raspberries while they are dormant.
  • Ensure your water collectors are working at full capacity with no leaks etc. Consider installing more if you have lots of irrigation to do in the summer. 
The surround to the new pond
A closer view

You will be able to see that we have been hard at work creating a wildlife pond (with a suitable barrier for Health and Safety reasons). There is plenty of life in the pond, with tadpoles and other aquatic insects.

Phil’s ‘new’ greenhouse
Our very own Eden project.

About the Author

Simon Barefoot has been the President of the Association for quite some years. His hands-on approach includes trimming the hedges, cutting the grass and encouraging the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruit on our special site. He runs the seed order scheme and is involved with the poultry ‘co-operative’. Promoting rainwater collection and low-tech crop management are important interests.