Rules of the Association
1.- The Association is managed by a Committee comprising the President, Secretary, Treasurer and any others decided at a General Meeting.
2.- A General Meeting of members is held once a year, at the end of winter.
3. Subscriptions are due from 1st. April and must be paid by 1st. May, failing which a non-payment process will be implemented. This process will incorporate a verbal warning followed by a letter advising termination of tenure. All new members will be issued with a copy of the rules when they join the Association.
4. All members shall be responsible for maintaining hedges, paths etc. adjacent to their allotments.
5. It is a condition of membership that allotments are maintained in a satisfactory manner; rubbish should not be left on site (there are no communal refuse areas), and members shall dispose of green and other waste in a responsible way. For bonfires, members must use the one designated area (near the well, in the enclosure provided) and they may only be lit there by Committee members. Bonfires are not lit during the summer months; at other times, the Committee will advise that a bonfire is imminent and only at this point may burnable matter be brought to the designated area. Members should under no circumstances use the designated area as a dumping ground – material to be burnt is to be dried and stored on individual plots. No plastic or household waste accepted.
6. An inspection of all allotments shall be made on a regular basis by the Chairman and members of the Committee; members who keep their allotments in an unsatisfactory way will be reminded of the Association’s expectations as follows:
- initial warning, following a Committee decision.
- if there is no improvement after 4 weeks (and no extenuating circumstances apply) a formal notification, following a Committee decision, will be sent to the plot holder, advising that the tenancy will be terminated after 2 weeks or at the subscription year end – whichever is the soonest, and any subscription paid in that year is non-returnable.
- In the event of a termination of a tenancy, it is the responsibility of the departing member to remove their possessions from the site and the Association may dispose of any items not claimed; it shall not be liable for any loss or damage to these items.
7. No member may sub-let any part of an allotment or in any way pass the tenancy of an allotment to any other person; members wishing to terminate their tenancy shall inform the President before the end of the year (i.e. by 1st. April when subscriptions are due).
8. Before erecting any structure (sheds, polytunnels, greenhouses etc.) members are asked to consult with the Committee who will advise on suitability. The decision of the Committee will be binding.
9. Dogs should be kept on a lead (held by the owner / handler) at all times on paths and the approach to individual plots; here they should be confined (by tethering, fencing etc.) so that they do not stray onto other members’ plots.